Exercise 23.4

Consider the following simple PCFG for noun phrases:

0.6: NP $\rightarrow$ Det\ AdjString\ Noun

0.4: NP $\rightarrow$ Det\ NounNounCompound

0.5: AdjString $\rightarrow$ Adj\ AdjString

0.5: AdjString $\rightarrow$ $\Lambda$

1.0: NounNounCompound $\rightarrow$ Noun

0.8: Det $\rightarrow$ the

0.2: Det $\rightarrow$ a

0.5: Adj $\rightarrow$ small

0.5: Adj $\rightarrow$ green

0.6: Noun $\rightarrow$ village

0.4: Noun $\rightarrow$ green

where $\Lambda$ denotes the empty string.

  1. What is the longest NP that can be generated by this grammar? (i) three words(ii) four words(iii) infinitely many words

  2. Which of the following have a nonzero probability of being generated as complete NPs? (i) a small green village(ii) a green green green(iii) a small village green

  3. What is the probability of generating “the green green”?

  4. What types of ambiguity are exhibited by the phrase in (c)?

  5. Given any PCFG and any finite word sequence, is it possible to calculate the probability that the sequence was generated by the PCFG?

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