Exercise 10.1

Consider a robot whose operation is described by the following PDDL operators:

\(Op({Go(x,y)},{At(Robot,x)},{\lnot At(Robot,x) \land At(Robot,y)})\) \(Op({Pick(o)},{At(Robot,x)\land At(o,x)},{\lnot At(o,x) \land Holding(o)})\) \(Op({Drop(o)},{At(Robot,x)\land Holding(o)},{At(o,x) \land \lnot Holding(o)}\)

  1. The operators allow the robot to hold more than one object. Show how to modify them with an $EmptyHand$ predicate for a robot that can hold only one object.

  2. Assuming that these are the only actions in the world, write a successor-state axiom for $EmptyHand$.

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