
OmniTouch: Wearable Multitouch Interaction Everywhere

Authors: Chris Harrison, Hrvoje Benko, Andrew D. Wilson

UIST 2011, Santa Barbara, CA, USA

On-demand interfaces, finger tracking, on-body computing, appropriated surfaces, object classification


Use of flood-fill heuristic instead of using only z-distance for finger click detection is intriguing. Their flood-fill technique not only detects finger clicks robustly, but also maintains it when dragging a finger across irregular organic surfaces.


It is not clear if we can use such camera and projector based interaction for outdoors, or at places where natural light is way brighter than what a projector can project on a surface. Besides, authors only explored short term user-interactions with projected interfaces which only serve as a proof-of-concept but does not give much insight on whether they are actually engaging or not.

Future Work

Hardware specifications:

System description

Relevant work:

Evaluation: Researchers recruited 12 participants from their local metropolitan area for one hour sessions and compared their method to the gold standard - capacitive touch screens - drawing performance results from the literature.