List of papers
Computer Vision in HCI
“Eyepatch: Prototyping camera based interaction through examples”
“Robust Computer Vision-Based Detection of Pinching for One and Two-Handed Gesture Input”
“Cyclops: Wearable and Single-Piece Full-Body Gesture Input Devices”
“OmniTouch: Wearable Multitouch Interaction Everywhere”
“Bonfire: A Nomadic System for Hybrid Laptop-Tabletop Interaction”
“Surround-See: Enabling Peripheral Vision on Smartphones during Active Use”
“VisionWand: Interaction Techniques for Large Displays using a Passive Wand Tracked in 3D”
“Matrix: a realtime object identification and registration method for augmented reality”
“Designable Visual Markers”
“FrameWire: A Tool for Automatically Extracting Interaction Logic from Paper Prototyping Tests”
“Video Puppetry: A Performative Interface for Cutout Animation”
“Video Browsing by Direct Manipulation”
“RetroDepth: 3D Silhouette Sensing for High-Precision Input On and Above Physical Surfaces”
“TouchLight - An Imaging Touch Screen and Display for Gesture-Based Interaction”
“Visual Touchpad: A Two-handed Gestural Input Device”
“Palpebrae Superioris: Exploring the Design Space of Eyelid Gestures”
“EyeScout: Active Eye Tracking for Position and Movement Independent Gaze Interaction with Large Public Displays”
“RoomAlive: Magical Experiences Enabled by Scalable, Adaptive Projector-camera Units”
“The Office of the Future : A Unified Approach to Image-Based Modeling and Spatially Immersive Displays”
“WorldKit: Rapid and Easy Creation of Ad-hoc Interactive Applications on Everyday Surfaces”
“Prefab: implementing advanced behaviors using pixel-based reverse engineering of interface structure”
“MixFab: A Mixed-reality Environment for Personal Fabrication”
“Tohme: detecting curb ramps in google street view using crowdsourcing, computer vision, and machine learning”
Human AI Interaction
“Like Having a Really bad PA”: The Gulf between User Expectation and Experience of Conversational Agents
“What do people expect from robots?”
“Becoming Wikipedian: transformation of participation in a collaborative online encyclopedia”
“What is a robot companion - Friend, assistant or butler?”
“Toys that Listen: A Study of Parents, Children, and Internet-Connected Toys”
“How Much Information? Effects of Transparency on Trust in an Algorithmic Interface”
“Priming Drivers before Handover in Semi-Autonomous Cars”
“Enabling Building Service Robots to Guide Blind People”
“Imagining Artificial Intelligence Applications with People with Visual Disabilities using Tactile Ideation”
“Whole-Home Gesture Recognition Using Wireless Signals”